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Selected Works

Here’s a sampling of some public work, going back in time.

  1. Bikeshare Visualizer


    Explore research findings interactively

    (link coming soon) A Shiny app to explore daily ride and station-level bikeshare data.

  2. Bikeshare Analysis


    Bikeshare Transport Initial Findings

    See the full latest findings here.

  3. CycleR


    An R-package for bikeshare data management

    Realizing I needed a more elegant solution to the growing mess of code, I made this.

  4. Covid-19 Bikeshare Transport


    A slow and steady meditation on potential effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on aggregate bikeshare patterns in Washington, DC.

  5. GLD HarmonizeR


    Functions our team used that grew into a (somewhat-) formalized package.

  6. Vaccine Explorer


    Understand Covid-19 Vaccine Data

    An interactive Shiny App (with heavy custom HTML/CSS) to explore the math and mechanics behind vaccine efficacy rates.

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